By choosing Green Electrical as your renewable’s specialist, you are choosing a business that sources responsibly. At Green Electrical we undertake an in depth and compatibility check on all our suppliers, making sure our core values and purpose are aligned. We strongly believe being installers of renewable products and technology, promote green and clean energy, that we should be accountable in how our business operates too. One of our core values is reduce our carbon footprint from factory to roof as much as possible, otherwise our message to our customers about becoming sustainable by using renewable equipment is mixed. Sourcing solar panels from factories that are over 5,000 miles away from the UK makes no sense to us when Europe manufacturers equally, if not better, products and panels. What are our other core values and important factors in Green Electrical determining their supply chain:

•    EDI Policies - Equality, Diversity, and Inclusivity. Modern business practices and becoming inclusive to all is a policy that Green Electrical fully supports. We do our upmost to make sure that none of the suppliers or products that we recommend have any links to forced labour and Morden slavery. 
•    ESG Policies - Environmental, Social and Governance. A vital decision maker for Green Electrical when choosing products and partners, to make sure our goals are aligned, particularly environmental policies. We love working with other businesses that work towards a greater purpose than just profit making. 
•    Quality of Products. Despite having a tight supply chain and sourcing as locally as possibly, efficiency and product reliability is still very important to us. Being approved Tesla Powerwall Installers demonstrates our quest to provide our customers with the very best products and solutions on the market. The Tesla Powerwall is unique and unfortunately being manufactured in the USA does mean the product does come with a sizable carbon footprint prior to installation however Tesla as a brand and business purpose does meet all other criteria. 
•    After Sales Support. Probably the most undervalued asset in businesses today and yes even the professional installers need technical support. Unfortunately, we have been there, on site and requesting additional support and not being able to reach out to any support department due to time zones or partnering with a business that simply does not offer required support.