Green Electrical & Maintenance Services Ltd business purpose is 'To create a sustainable way of living for our customers using accessible technology, for self efficiency and to increase their control over rising energy costs'. As an electrical contractor that specialises in renewables such as Solar & Battery storage, we believe it is our responsibility to provide our customers with the best advice, installation practices and supply chain of renewable goods. To ensure that we walk the walk, Green Electrical undertakes a rigourous search and back ground checks on all of our suppliers. This process is always ongoing and is regularly updated, so our customers can be reassured our supply chain is tight and duediligence has been undertaken. 

Agreed, that by having solar or battery storage, there is a fantstic ROI (return on investment) however many of our customers have solar for their own self efficiency and sustainbility reasons. Many enjoy the benefits of reducing their carbon footprint and doing their bit for the enviroment. We love that and that is where Green Electrical are unique in their supply chain. One of our values is to source as locally and resposibiliy as possible. Starting with the UK and supporting British manufacturing where we can, we look to create partnerships with like minded businesses, that share the same values before looking to source from the EU as a scond option then the rest of world as the third. Particualry in renewables it is hard to do this however our aim is to reduce the carbon footprint from factory to rooftop straight from the get go.